FDA 21 CFR 807.87 (Information required in a premarket notification submission) 規範了 510(k) 送審文件的內容,但因為沒有專用的 510(k) form 可供廠商使用,導致廠商準備得亂七八糟,FDA 審查員也看得想砸電腦。
佛心 FDA 因此建立了相關指引 –〈Format for Traditional and Abbreviated 510(k)s〉– 來說明 Traditional premarket notification (510(k)) submission 以及 Abbreviated premarket notification (510(k)) submission 的送審文件架構,協助廠商更容易符合 510(k) 送審文件規定。
FDA 建議欲申請 Traditional 510(k) 以及 Abbreviated 510(k) 的廠商,在準備送審文件時,除了本文引用的指引外,還可以參考下列資訊:
- 〈Refuse to Accept Policy for 510(k)s〉內的 Acceptance Checklists for 510(k)s 章節;
- 21 CFR 807 > subpart E > Premarket Notification Procedures
- How to Prepare a 510(k) Submission
- Content of a 510(k)
- 510(k) Format Tips
- (準備 Abbreviated 510(k) 時)〈The Abbreviated 510(k) Program〉
另外,本指引並沒有解講個別類型醫材所需的特殊要求文件,也不適用於 Special 510(k)、PMA、Humanitarian Device Exemption (HDE) applications、De Novo requests、或 investigational device exemption (IDE) applications。
註:文章內所提及的 FDA 表單連結若失效時,可至 FDA 官網的 Forms 搜尋並下載使用。
本指引介紹了 Premarket Notification (510(k))、legally marketed device、Traditional 510(k)、Abbreviated 510(k) 等名詞。其中,下面這個名詞應該較易誤解:
A 510(k) submitter/holder is the owner of the 510(k). Although a consultant or correspondent may submit the 510(k) on behalf of the 510(k) owner, that consultant or correspondent is not the 510(k) submitter/holder.
FDA | Format for Traditional and Abbreviated 510(k)s | III. Definitions
510(k) submitter/holder 是 510(k) 的擁有者。有些廠商會請顧問或其他單位幫忙申請 510(k),這些顧問或幫忙送件的單位不是 510(k) submitter/holder 喔!
eCopy 要求
接下來文章中所要求的 510(k) 文件,都須符合 eCpoy 的要求。
請參考〈eCopy Program for Medical Device Submissions〉了解什麼是 eCopy;另可參考〈要符合哪些標準才是合格的 eCopy 呢?〉了解該如何做才符合 eCopy 要求。
Traditional 及 Abbreviated 510(k) 送審文件架構
須繳交規定的 20 份文件,無論產品類型是否適用
本指引整理了 20 個章節的內容,可適用所有 Traditional 510(k) 及 Abbreviated 510(k) 送審需求。另一方面來說,可能某些產品並不需準備某些文件,例如,骨釘骨板就不需要準備第 16 章的「Software」文件,但 FDA 建議還是保留此項文件封面,並在此文件標題下面註記:「This section does not apply」或「N/A」。
20 份文件的架構總覽
下面開始介紹 20 份文件的準備重點。
Section 1 – Medical Device User Fee Cover Sheet (Form FDA 3601)
2002 年,為了取得足夠的經費以加速醫療器材進入美國市場的法規審查流程,聯邦政府通過了 Medical Device User Fee and Modernization Act (MDUFMA),准許 FDA 向醫療器材廠商收費。後經四次改革,現 (2020 年) 為第四版法案 – Medical Device User Fee Amendments (MDUFA IV),預計會持續到 2022 年 9 月 30 日。
此費用年年調整,可到 Medical Device User Fee Amendments (MDUFA) 看最新的價目表。
除非採用 510(k) Third Party Review Program,否則就算是下列豁免而不用繳 User fees 的情況,也需提供 Medical Device User Fee Cover Sheet:
1. intended solely for pediatric use; or
2. submitted by a state or Federal government entity (an exception from the FDA user fee unless the device is to be distributed commercially).
Section 738(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act
廠商須繳清 User fee 後,FDA 才會開始審查申請案。否則,FDA 會當作資料不全,將流程停著等廠商繳費。
特別注意,若廠商 (含所有分公司) 的收入總額 (Gross receipt) 或銷售額 (Sales) 在最近的會計年度 (most recent federal income taxable year) 小於一百萬美元 ($100 million),則可申請 Small business 資格,有這個資格後 User fee 將會減免 50%。
不過,Small business 減免只限於 510(k)、De Novo、PMA、513(g) 這類的申請,工廠年度註冊費 (Establishment registration fee) 並不會被減免。
至於如何取得 Form FDA 3601,請參考 FDA 網站介紹 – MDUFA Cover Sheets 及 Medical Device User Fees。另外也可參考〈User Fees and Refunds for Premarket Notification Submissions (510(k)s)〉,這份指引中列出了 14 個 FAQ,例如:
- 所有 510(k) 申請都要繳費嗎?
- 我該如何繳費呢?
- 什麼情況下 FDA 會退款給我呢?
- 若我的產品被 Third party 審查判定不符合 510(k) Third Party Review Program,此時要另外繳費給 FDA 嗎?
- 什麼情況下 FDA 會退費給我?
- 什麼情況下 FDA 不會退費給我?
- 若之前申請 510(k) 失敗 (Not Substantially Equivalent, NSE),再次申請 510(k) 時要再次繳費嗎?或者,
- 若因為我沒提供合格的 eCopy 文件而被 FDA 退件,此時 FDA 會退費嗎?
- 若沒通過 510(k) 的行政審核,FDA 會退費嗎?若已進入實質審查後,我撤回 510(k),這樣 FDA 會退費嗎?
- 510(k) 補件需要付費嗎?
- 我要怎麼才可以拿到退費呢?
可參考 MDUFA Cover Sheets 了解執行細節。(看到這網頁才發現,原來 Employer Identification Number (EIN) 和 Dun & Bradstreet Number (DUNS) 是二擇一,前者是美國本土製造廠所需的辨識碼,後者是美國境外的製造廠所需的辨識碼。)
Section 2 – CDRH Premarket Review Submission Cover Sheet (FDA Form 3514)
這是份自願性檢附表單,可提供一些行政資料,讓 FDA 更清楚這次申請的內容。
Section 3 – 510(k) Cover Letter
本篇指引的附錄 A 詳細介紹了 510(k) Cover Letter。
FDA 沒有強制規定 510(k) Cover Letter 格式與內容,但有下列的建議項目:
1. 行政資訊 (Administrative Information)
– Type of 510(k) submission
註明這次送審是為了申請 Abbreviated 510(k) 或 Traditional 510 (k)。
– Your device type in plain terms
註明本次送審產品的一般通用名稱 (Common name),而非產品名稱。例如:Syringe 或 Hip implant。(原文解釋請參考 Content of a 510(k))
– 510(k) submitter (holder)
註明510(k) 的擁有者,大多是某某公司。
– One primary correspondent, by name and title, with their current phone number and email address. Additional correspondents may be identified
填上至少一名聯絡人,與其職稱、聯絡資訊 (電話、email)。
– Your preference for continued confidentiality (21 CFR 807.95)
不知道這是什麼,但之前 510(k) 送審文件的 Cover letter 內沒寫這項資訊,也沒被挑出問題。
– Your proposed classification regulation
也稱為「Regulation number」,照抄 Predicate 的號碼即可。
– Class (i.e., whether it is unclassified or a class I, II, or III device)
醫療器材分類等級,和 Predicate 相同。
若申請 510(k) 的產品為 1976 年 5 月 28 日聯邦食品、藥品和化妝品法案 (FD&C Act) 的醫療器材修正案 (Medical Device Amendments) 公告前就已合法上市的產品,但 FDA 尚未確認其 Classification regulation,則依據〈Medical Device Classification Product Codes〉註解一的解釋,此類產品為「Unclassified device」。
An unclassified device is a pre-amendments device for which a classification regulation has not been promulgated. Unclassified devices require submission of a 510(k) premarket notification to CDRH. A not-classified device is a post-amendments device for which the Agency has not yet reviewed a marketing application or for which the Agency has not made a final decision on such a marketing application. A pre-amendments device is a device that was on the market prior to the enactment of the Medical Device Amendments to the FD&C Act on May 28, 1976.
FDA | Medical Device Classification Product Codes | footnote 1
– Panel
照抄 Predicate 的即可。
Device Classification Panels 依不同科別列出了 19 個審查小組,管轄了超過 1700 類醫療器材。若不知道 Predicate 隸屬哪個審查小組,可到 FDA Product Classification 資料庫 輸入 Regulation number 或 Product code 搜尋。
– Product code
照抄 Predicate 的即可。
同一個 Regulation number 下可能會有多個 Product code,用來進一步區別不同使用目的及產品特徵。
– Any FDA document numbers associated with prior formal correspondence with FDA (e.g., IDE, Q-Submissions, 510(k), PMA, request for designation (RFD)) related to your device
例如,若前次申請 510(k) 失敗,下次再次申請時就須註明失敗 510(k) 的編號;或曾有申請 IDE 進行臨床試驗,這邊也須寫上 IDE 編號;或若曾有透過 Q-Submission 和 FDA 討論,這邊也要寫上相關編號。
2. 產品基本資訊 (Basis for the Submission)
說明這次申請 510(k) 的緣由,例如產品是
- 屬於申請廠商的新醫療器材,或
- 修改公司內已通過 510(k) 合法上市的醫療器材,但無法走 Special 510(k) 的產品,還是
- 因為新的適應症所以要申請 510(k),
- 或其他情況。
若廠商將已上市醫材組合成「套組」(Convenience kit) 來申請 510(k),FDA 建議廠商在這部份註明本產品為「Convenience kit」,並列出套組內所有的產品。另外,FDA 也建議廠商提供「Kit certification statement」。
以下摘錄 FDA 對於 Convenience Kits 的解釋:
Comprised of legally marketed devices that are simply being assembled in kit form strictly for the “convenience” of the purchaser or user, thus the term “convenience kit.”
FDA | Convenience Kits Interim Regulatory Guidance | Background
Should only include components that are either: (1) legally marketed preamendments devices, (2) exempt from premarket notification, or (3) have been found to be substantially equivalent through the premarket notification process. The components should be purchased in finished form, i.e., they should be packaged, labeled, etc., consistent with their legal marketing authorization.
FDA | Convenience Kits Interim Regulatory Guidance | New Regulatory Approach
Convenience kit 相關細節可參考〈Convenience Kits Interim Regulatory Guidance〉。
若本次申請 510(k) 包含
- 多個產品 (Multiple devices),而這些產品可屬於相同或不同的 Generic type,或
- 產品含有多個適應症 (Multiple indications for use for a device)
則屬於「Bundling Multiple Devices or Multiple Indications in a Single Submission」。若是這樣,FDA 建議要列出此 Bundle submission 內所有的產品。
補充一下 Generic type 的定義:
Generic type of device means a grouping of devices that do not differ significantly in purpose, design, materials, energy source, function, or any other feature related to safety and effectiveness, and for which similar regulatory controls are sufficient to provide reasonable assurance of safety and effectiveness.
FDA 21 CFR 860.3(i)
3. 設計與規格重點介紹 (Design and Use of the Device)
FDA 建議在 Cover letter 內以表格的方式簡介產品的設計與使用,例如:
Question | Yes | No |
Is the device intended for prescription use (21 CFR 801 subpart D)? | ||
Is the device intended for over-the-counter use (21 CFR 807 subpart C)? | ||
Does the device contain components derived from a tissue or other biologic source? | ||
Is the device provided sterile? | ||
Is the device intended for single-use? | ||
Is the device a reprocessed single-use device? | ||
If yes, does this device type require reprocessed validation data? | ||
Does the device contain a drug? | ||
Does the device contain a biologic? | ||
Does the device use software? | ||
Does the submission include clinical information? | ||
Is the device implanted? |
下面為「Prescription Devices」的定義:
A prescription device is, by definition under 21 CFR 801.109, a device which, because of any potentiality for harmful effect, or the method of its use, or the collateral measures necessary to its use, is not safe except under the supervision of a practitioner licensed by law to direct the use of the device, and hence for which “adequate directions for use” (21 CFR 801.5) cannot be prepared.
FDA | Device Labeling Guidance #G91-1 (Blue Book Memo) | IX. Prescription Devices
因此,若是 Prescription Devices,則需要遵守一些特定的標籤 (Label) 與標示 (Labeling) 規定:
FDA | Device Labeling Guidance #G91-1 (Blue Book Memo) | IX. Prescription Devices
(1) the statement, “Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a “, the blank to be filled with the word “physician”, “dentist”, or with the descriptive designation of any other practitioners licensed by the law of the State in which that person practices to use or order the use of the device; and
(2) the method of application or use of the device.
FDA | Device Labeling Guidance #G91-1 (Blue Book Memo) | IX. Prescription Devices
(1) information for use including indications, effects, routes, methods, frequency and duration of administration, and any relevant hazards, contraindications, side effects, and precautions under which practitioners licensed by law to administer the device can use the device safely and for the purpose for which it is intended, including all purposes for which it is advertised or represented, with the exceptions that
(a) such information may be omitted from the dispensing package if, but only if, the directions, hazards, warnings, and other information are commonly known to practitioners licensed by law to use the device and the FDA Commissioner is requested to offer an opinion on a written proposal stating reasonable grounds to omit such information from the dispensing package;
(b) such information will not be required on so called reminder-piece labeling which calls attention to the name of the device but does not include indications or other use information; and
(2) the date of the issuance or the latest revision of the labeling, except for labels and cartons, that bears directions for the use of the device.
但要怎麼決定自己的醫材是不是 Prescription Devices?
在 What the FDA considers a Prescription Device – Decisions and Implications 有人討論,看起來結論似乎是「若 Predicate 是 Prescription Devices,則把自己的醫材當作是 Prescription Devices 較穩當。」
標籤 (Label) 與標示 (Labeling)有何差別呢?
簡單說,「Label」就是我們知道的「標籤」;「Labeling」則是「標籤 + 隨附文件 (例如,說明書、單張宣傳單,甚至錄影帶等) + 網站…」。FDA 官網 Device Labeling 定義兩者如下:
Label | Labeling |
‘display of written, printed, or graphic matter upon the immediate container of any article…’ The term ‘immediate container’ does not include package liners. Any word, statement, or other information appearing on the immediate container must also appear ‘on the outside container or wrapper, if any there be, or the retail package of such article, or is easily legible through the outside container of wrapper.’ | ‘all labels and other written, printed, or graphic matter (1) upon any article or any of its containers or wrappers, or (2) accompanying such article at any time while a device is held for sale after shipment or delivery for shipment in interstate commerce. The term ‘accompanying’ is interpreted liberally to mean more than physical association with the product. It extends to posters, tags, pamphlets, circulars, booklets, brochures, instruction books, direction sheets, fillers, etc. ‘Accompanying’ also includes labeling that is brought together with the device after shipment or delivery for shipment in interstate commerce. |
Section 4 – Indications for Use Statement (Form FDA 3881)
雖然適應症 (Indication for Use) / 預期用途 (Intended Use) 只是短短一段話,但楷訂了此醫材的研發方向,整個研發過程就是由這個目標開展出去。同時,也讓相關人員 (使用者、病患…) 了解「到底這產品是在幹嘛」,不會把 A 用途的產品誤用在 B 用途上。
所以,510(k) 送審文件內,也須將此產品的適應症 (Indication for Use) / 預期用途 (Intended Use) 明確列在 Form FDA 3881 上。
大家可在 FDA 官網的 Forms 頁面搜尋並下載此表單。
為何這份表單明明要廠商寫「適應症 (Indication for Use)」,但我上面卻寫「適應症 (Indication for Use) / 預期用途 (Intended Use)」?
先前申請一個心電圖傳導線的 510(k),整個送審資料內相關寫法是「Indication for Use / Intended Use:…………」,我把適應症和預期用途當做同一個,只攏統地說明產品用途,510(k) 審查員也沒說不行,但也可能是因為這個產品特性不用區分兩者吧。
FDA 在介紹 510(k) 的指引 一〈The 510(k) Program: Evaluating Substantial Equivalence in Premarket Notifications [510(k)]〉的附錄 A「510(k) Decision-Making Flowchart」中教大家如何找出 Predicate,此附錄的 Decision 2 要求判斷「Do the devices have the same intended use?」
雖然 FDA 指引要求廠商比較 Intended Use,但在 510(k) Summary 內也只會看到 Form FDA 3881 上的 Indication for Use。經驗上把直接把這邊的 Indication for Use 當作 Intended Use 來比對,也好像沒出過問題。
所以,適應症 (Indication for Use) / 預期用途 (Intended Use) 兩者間似乎常常混用 (混淆)。醫藥品查驗中心 (CDE) 在 2011 年撰寫的〈美國醫療器材 510(k) 近期改革及未來趨勢之介紹 (上)〉也提到:

所以,我不知道 FDA 現在想法是什麼。但到底該如何做呢?
有人說:「只寫 Indication for use 一定 ok,不一定要寫 Intended use。」而我們選擇寫成「Indication for Use / Intended Use」,讓兩者的描述完全一樣,目前遇到的 510(k) 審查員也沒說不行。
最後,關於適應症 (Indication for Use) / 預期用途 (Intended Use) 的 FDA 官方定義可分別參考 Sec. 814.20 Application (b)(3)(i) 和 Sec. 801.4 Meaning of intended uses。
〈如何使用 Multiple Predicates 來證明 Substantial Equivalence〉一文應該也可使大家對此主題有更全面的了解。
Section 5 – 510(k) Summary or 510(k) Statement
依據 Sec. 807.87 Information required in a premarket notification submission 規定:
Each premarket notification submission shall contain the following information:
Sec. 807.87
(h) A 510(k) summary as described in 807.92 or a 510(k) statement as described in 807.93.
廠商在申請 510(k) 時需要準備 510(k) Summary 或 510(k) Statement。
510(k) Summary 這份文件內容須足以呈現出申請 510(k) 產品與其 Predicate 的實質相等性 (Substantial Equivalence, SE),此乃 510(k) 的基礎。
但因 FDA 將會於取得 510(k) 輸入許可後公布此文件於 510(k) Premarket Notification 資料庫,故不可將機密資訊 (例如,原始數據、病人資訊、商業機密…) 放入此文件中。
510(k) Statement 則是廠商承諾將在任何人提出書面要求的 30 天內,無償提供足以證明 510(k) 實質相等性的相關文件,否則將違反 Section 301(p) of the FD&C Act。
一般廠商都選擇遞交 510(k) Summary,以避免之後被要求提供相關資料的麻煩。以下是 FDA 網站 Content of a 510(k) 提供的 510(k) Summary 注意事項:
1 | The summary should be in a separate section of the submission. It should begin on a new page and end on a page not shared with any other part of the 510(k) submission. It is clearly identified as “510(k) Summary” as required by section 807.92(c). 須是獨立的一份文件,前面和後面都不可與其他文件相接。並且要明確標示為「510(k) Summary」。 |
2 | The summary contains on the first page, preferably on your letterhead paper, the 510(k) owner’s name, address, phone and fax numbers, name of contact person, and date the summary was prepared [807.92(a)(1)]. 第一頁 (Letterhead) 須有 510(k) owner 的名字、聯絡者姓名、聯絡地址、電話號碼、傳真號碼,以及這份文件的撰寫日期。 |
3 | The summary includes the name of the device, including the trade or proprietary name, if applicable, the common or usual name, and the classification name, if known [807.92(a)(2)]. Example: – Trade name – DRAG@N LATEX EXAMINATION GLOVES – Common name – exam gloves – Classification name – patient examination glove (21 CFR 880.6250, Product Code FMC) |
4 | The summary identifies the legally marketed device to which your firm is claiming equivalence [807.92(a)(3)]. 放上 Predicate 的基本資訊,例如 Device Name、Manufacturer、510(k) Number。 |
5 | The summary includes a description of the device such as might be found in the labeling or promotional material for the device, including an explanation of how the device functions, the scientific concepts that form the basis for the device, and the significant physical and performance characteristics of the device, such as device design, material used, and physical properties; [807.92(a)(4)]. 附上產品基本簡介,例如,產品如何運作、科學原理為何、材料、物理特性等。 |
6 | The summary provides the intended use of the device including a general description of the diseases or conditions that the device will diagnose, treat, prevent, cure, or mitigate, including a description, where appropriate, of the patient population for which the device is intended. If the indication statements are different from those of the predicate device, the 510(k) summary shall contain an explanation as to why the differences are not critical to the intended therapeutic, diagnostic, prosthetic, or surgical use of the device, and why the differences do not affect the safety and effectiveness of the device when used as labeled [807.92(a)(5)]. 大部分廠商都會把 (摘要精簡版的) 實質相等性比對表放進來,以證明與 Predicate 的 Intended use、Technological characteristics 與 Predicate 是實質相等,並且透過 Non-clinical performance data (少部分 510(k) 申請案還需 Clinical performance data) 確定產品與 Predicate 是有實質相等的。 一張實質相等性比對表,即可符合第 6 到 9 項要求。 |
7 | The 510(k) summary contains a summary of the technological characteristics of your device compared to the predicate device. If the device has the same technological characteristics (i.e., design, material, chemical composition, energy source) as the predicate device, a summary of the technological characteristics of the new device in comparison to those of the predicate device should be included. If your device has different technological characteristics from the predicate device, provide a summary of how the technological characteristics of your device compare to the predicate device. [807.92(a)(6)] |
8 | If the determination of substantial equivalence is also based on an assessment of non-clinical performance data, the summary includes a brief discussion of the nonclinical tests submitted, referenced, or relied on in the premarket notification submission for a determination of substantial equivalence and how their results support a determination of substantial equivalence [807.92(b)(1)]. 列出本 510(k) 送審資料中,有哪些安全與有效性資料,這些資料可證明/驗證哪些規格。 |
9 | If the determination of substantial equivalence is also based on an assessment of clinical performance data, the summary includes a brief discussion of clinical tests submitted, referenced, or relied on in the premarket notification submission for a determination of substantial equivalence and how their results support a determination of substantial equivalence. This discussion shall include, where applicable, a description of the subjects upon whom the device was tested, a discussion of the safety or effectiveness data obtained from the testing, with specific reference to adverse effects and complications, and any other information from the clinical testing relevant to a determination of substantial equivalence [807.92(b)(2)]. Please note: Clinical data is not needed for most devices cleared by the 510(k) process. |
10 | The summary includes the conclusions drawn from the nonclinical and clinical tests (discussed above) that demonstrate that the device is as safe, as effective, and performs as well as or better than the predicate device . 807.92(b)(3) 例如,廠商可寫: After analyzing all testing data and comparing it with the predicated device, it can be concluded that the [此申請案之產品名稱 ] is substantially equivalent to the predicate device. |
11 | The summary includes any other information reasonably deemed necessary by FDA. Such requests will be made directly to the applicant by FDA or the requirements will be published in guidance documents. Additional information requested by FDA during review of the 510(k) may include additional safety and effectiveness information which may necessitate an update of your summary if requested by FDA. 807.92(d) |
12 | Please make sure you have included all of the information listed above and verify that the following criteria have been met. – The summary includes only information that is also covered in the body of the 510(k). – The summary does not contain any puffery or unsubstantiated labeling claims. – The summary does not contain any raw data, i.e., contains only summary data. – The summary does not contain any trade secret or confidential commercial information. – The summary does not contain any patient identification information. |
若大家看完上面的介紹,還是不知道怎麼準備 510(k) Summary,可直接到 510(k) Premarket Notification Database 搜尋幾個類似產品來參考。
Section 6 – Truthful and Accuracy Statement
510(k) submitter/holder 需聲明,這次繳交的 510(k) 所有的材料都是真實、正確、且無遺漏。FDA 建議依照官網上 Premarket Notification Truthful And Accurate Statement 建議內容製作聲明書,並由 510(k) submitter/holder 簽署,而非由代辦顧問簽屬 (因有法律責任,故建議由公司負責人簽屬)。
Section 7 – Class III Summary and Certification
大多申請 510(k) 的醫材不會是 Class III 的,但如本文第一段強調, FDA 建議保留規定的 20 份文件,無論產品類型是否適用。因此,就算此部分內容空白,還是建議廠商保留此章節、打上標題,並在標題下面註記:「This section does not apply」或「N/A」即可。
但若產品確實屬於不須申請 PMA,而是可申請 510(k) 的 Class III 醫材呢?
FDA 建議使用官網提供 Premarket Notification Class III Certification and Summary 聲明書模板,並由 510(k) submitter/holder 簽署,以確認廠商已在合理範圍內盡量搜索相關已上市產品的資訊,確保此醫材的安全與功效。
Section 8 – Financial Certification or Disclosure Statement
若有進行臨床研究 (本指引用的詞是 Clinical study,應該等同於 Clinical Trial (臨床試驗)),則須填寫試驗主持人 (Clinical Investigators) 的財務證明及/或披露聲明,以避免試驗主持人因與廠商有不當利益關係導致試驗誤差 (GCP)。下面為 FDA 官方解釋的原因:
The regulation requires applicants to certify the absence of certain financial interests and arrangements of clinical investigators that could affect the reliability of data submitted to FDA, or to disclose those financial interests and arrangements to the agency and identify steps taken to minimize the potential for bias.
FDA | Financial Disclosure by Clinical Investigators | II. BACKGROUND
此二份可於 FDA 官網 Forms 搜尋下載:
- 搜尋「3454」,可下載「Certification: Financial Interest and Arrangements of Clinical Investigator」
- 搜尋「3455」,可下載「Disclosure: Financial Interest and Arrangements of Clinical Investigators」
此部分法源依據為〈21 CFR part 54 FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE BY CLINICAL INVESTIGATORS〉,另有指引〈Financial Disclosure by Clinical Investigators〉進一步解釋這部分的要求。
如果不知道自己執行的試驗是否為 FDA 這邊規範的 Clinical study,抑或不確定試驗內哪些人屬於 Clinical Investigators 須要填寫財務證明及/或披露聲明,都可參考上述指引的「A. Definitions」章節。
Section 9 – Declarations of Conformity and Summary Reports
詳列有用來設計、開發、驗證的標準 (Standards),並加上符合宣言。下面列出最簡單的範例:

FDA 官網 Recognized Consensus Standards 可查詢每項標準的 FDA Recognition No.,查不到寫 N/A 也行。
下面是 FDA 官網列出的查檢項目 (Required Elements for a Declaration of Conformity to a Recognized Standard):
- An identification of the applicable recognized consensus standards that were met. (列出使用的標準與其版本)
- A statement, for each consensus standard, that all requirements were met, except for inapplicable requirements or deviations noted below.
- An identification, for each consensus standard, of any way(s) in which the standard may have been adapted for application to the device under review (e.g. An identification of an alternative series of tests that were performed).
- An identification, for each consensus standard, of any requirements that were not applicable to the device. (若廠商有排除部分標準內的某些項目,可以在上方表格「Note」敘述不適用理由,或者直接在此欄位內引導 510(k) 審查員去看其他份報告/文件內的解釋。)
- A specification of any deviations from each applicable standard that were applied. (實際測試規劃/步驟和標準不同時 (有偏差時),也可在這份報告中簡述。)
- A specification of the differences that may exist, if any, between the tested device and the device to be marketed and a justification of the test results in these areas of difference. (若測試樣品 (Device Under Test, DUT) 與實際產品有規格差異,也可在這邊簡述。)
- The name and address of the testing laboratory and/or certification body involved in determining the conformance of the device with applicable consensus standards and a reference to any accreditations for those organizations. (在此,或在相關報告內要有實驗室名稱、地址與資格。)
Section 10 – Device Description
- 以各種方式描述本產品的性能、規格,若放上工程圖或照片可以讓審查員更輕易了解產品,那就放吧 (千言萬語,比不上兩三張圖)。什麼是審查員要看的性能、規格呢?以下項目供各位參考:
- 產品簡介:可在本章節開頭部分,大略介紹產品是什麼,分幾個部分等等;並寫上「適應症 (Intended use / Indication for use)」、「工作原理:產品各部分之間如何運作、如何達到預期用途」、「使用方法」以及「使用條件」。
- 產品規格:詳細列出產品各項規格、物化特性,若不知道該列啥哪些規格,廠商可參 Predicate 的使用說明書,或到衛福部的西藥、醫療器材及化粧品許可證查詢資料庫找到類似品仿單。
- 列出涵蓋於本 510(k) 內的型號、配件。
- 原物料、配比、進一步介紹產品各部分規格。
- 各主要部件之製造流程:依經驗,此部分不須付上如 QC 工程圖那樣詳細的流程介紹,只要放上簡略的製程介紹即可。
- 完整的風險管理報告
- 列出所有涵蓋於本次 510(k) 申請案的產品型號。
- 列出會與病患接觸的部分與其材質,若是保護類醫材,則與使用者接觸的部分也須詳列。以下節錄 ISO 10993-1:2018 Scope 相關規範:
This document applies to evaluation of materials and medical devices that are expected to have direct or indirect contact with:
– The patient’s body during intended use;
– The user’s body, if the medical device is intended for protection (e.g., surgical gloves, masks and others)
ISO 10993-1:2018 | Biological evaluation of medical devices — Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process | Scope
Section 11 – Executive Summary/Predicate Comparison
- 產品技術特性與預期用途
- 產品比對表。和前面 510(k) Summary 注意事項的第六到九點一樣,就是討論與 Predicate 的實質相等性 (Substantial Equivalence, SE)。這邊只須摘要相同/相異處即可,因接下來章節將會詳細討論這個問題。
- 簡述此申請案的相關測試結果,其結果是 Pass 或 Fail。
這部分雖然可以簡單介紹,但還是要讓 FDA 審查員有個全面的認識。
Section 12 – Substantial Equivalence Discussion
重頭戲啊!整個 510(k) 核心精神就在這裡呢!
FDA 建議要從三方面比較自己產品與 Predicate 的異同:
- Indications for use:從 510(k) Premarket Notification database 搜尋到的 510(k) summary 發現,有些廠商寫 Intended use、有些寫 Indications for use。就像前面我說的,好像目前兩者都亂七八糟混用。總之,比較自己產品與 Predicate 產品這部分的差異。
- Technology
- Performance specifications, including any testing
如果不知道要比較哪些項目,就參考 Predicate 的 510(k) summary 內怎麼寫吧。若兩個產品比較後發現差異,就須要進一步討論此差異是否會影響 Substantial squivalence (實質相等)。
最後,須有總結說明本產品與 Predicate 的實質等效性 (安全與功效相等)。
不是只有一模一樣才可以主張本產品與 Predicate 有實質相等。
參考〈如何使用 Multiple Predicates 來證明 Substantial Equivalence〉及其內所述的 FDA Guidance,應對大家完成此章節內容有極大的幫助。
建議 Predicate 越新越好!
Section 13 – Proposed Labeling
一般醫療器材標籤設計須滿足 21 CFR 807.87(e) 的規定;而體外診斷醫材 (In Vitro Diagnostic device, IVD) 須符合 21 CFR 809.10 的要求。
Labeling 包含標籤 (Label)、使用說明書 (Instructions For Use, IFU) 以及其他標示。
關於 Labeling 和 Label 的差異,可參考 Section 3 – 510(k) Cover Letter 末段「標籤 (Label) 與標示 (Labeling)有何差別呢?」的討論。
FDA 還提供了兩份古老指引〈Device Labeling Guidance #G91-1 (Blue Book Memo)〉及〈Labeling – Regulatory Requirements for Medical Devices (FDA 89-4203)〉。
但上述兩份指引,我都沒看過。為何?因為通常參考相關產品的說明書、標籤最快!(不過曾發生審查員對 Predicate 與 510(k) 申請案內醫材的標籤要求不同,可能不同審查員有不同觀點,又或者年代不同。)
Section 14 – Sterilization and Shelf Life
此章節分成兩個議題:Sterilization 與 Shelf Life。
關於 Sterilization
若產品要滅菌,FDA 建議參考〈Submission and Review of Sterility Information in Premarket Notification (510(k)) Submissions for Devices Labeled as Sterile〉。
若是一次性產品的再處理 (Reprocess),請參考〈Medical Device User Fee and Modernization Act of 2002, Validation Data in Premarket Notification Submissions (510(k)s) for Reprocessed Single-Use Medical Devices〉。
關於 Shelf Life
我們公司的心電圖傳導線是委託某大廠幫忙設計製造,某大廠幾年前曾申請過類似產品的 510(k),他們說這種東西放不壞,不用評估 Shelf Life 啦!
所以…在這個章節,我們就寫:「The device is not provided as sterilized, so it has a low likelihood of time-dependent product degradation, and storage conditions could not affect device safety or effectiveness. There are no special environmental storage requirements for the device other than standard storage and operating conditions.」企圖規避 Shelf Life 驗證。
結果…FDA 審查員就打槍啦!他說:「The labeling you have provided does not specify a shelf life for the proposed device. A stated shelf life is needed to ensure that the device packaging is stable and that the device resists physical and chemical breakdown when used as intended following the labeled maximum period of storage over a range of environmental conditions. Please revise your labeling to specify a shelf-life for your proposed device, and briefly describe to the Agency your simulation methods and test methods designed to support the shelf-life you have chosen. Please refer to a current FDA-recognized edition of ASTM F1980 for information on supporting a shelf life statement. A searchable database of FDA-recognized voluntary consensus standards is available at: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfstandards/Search.cfm」。
通常申請 510(k) 時還只有加速老化試驗結果來佐證 Shelf life。因此,在此文件內須檢附真實老化的計畫,以及註明「若加速老化與真實老化有差異時,會即時通報 FDA」。
Section 15 – Biocompatibility
當醫材有任一部件會和病患直接或間接接觸,就需要評估其生物相容性。〈Use of International Standard ISO 10993-1, “Biological evaluation of medical devices – Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process”〉中列出直接、間接、短暫、沒接觸的定義:
Direct contact | Indirect contact | Transient contact | Non-contact |
term used for a device or device component that comes into physical contact with body tissue | term used for a device or device component through which a fluid or gas passes, prior to the fluid or gas coming into physical contact with body tissue (in this case the device or device component itself does not physically contact body tissue) 例如,血液儲存袋雖不會直接與病患接觸,但因血液和儲存袋接觸後會輸進病患體內,所以血液儲存袋與病患有間接接觸,需評估其生物相容性。 | term used for a device or device component that comes into very brief/transient contact with body tissue (e.g., hypodermic needles that are used for less than one minute) | term used for a device or device component that has no direct or indirect contact with the body (e.g., stand-alone software or database), and for which no biocompatibility information would be needed other than confirmation that there is no contact with the human body |
依照 ISO 10993-1:2018 的規定,若是保護用醫材 (例如,手術面罩),則需評估其對於使用者的生物相容性。換言之,如果不是保護用醫材,且只會和使用者接觸 (不接觸病患),則不須評估生物相容性。細節可參考 Section 10 – Device Description 的解釋。
另外,我們在申請 510(k) 時,特別被審查員要求解釋「total cumulative clinical exposure duration」以及「為何用重量、而非用表面積來決定萃取液體多寡」。
關於「total cumulative clinical exposure duration」,因為我們產品是 Resting ECG,所以主張不須考慮總體累積效應。以下是我們回覆的內容:
The system’s single-use exposure duration is 5 to 10 minutes and will only contact the intact skin. We consider that the device will only be used when healthcare professionals need to acquire ECG information for diagnosis. The range of usage frequency is variable, maybe once per month, once a quarter, or even once a year. We believe that there is no cumulative effect.
關於「Test article extraction ratio」為何用重量而非表面積決定的問題,其實是我們的疏忽,只好重錯實驗了。
依照 ISO 10993-12:2012 的 Table 1,只有下列兩類無法估計表面積的產品,其萃取比例 (多少樣品要加多少萃取液) 可用重量決定:
- Irregularly shaped solid devices
- Irregularly shaped porous devices (low-density materials)
前者可能是 powder、pellets、foam、non-absorbent、moulded items,後者可能是 membranes。
The test article extraction ratio used in your In Vitro Cytotoxicity, Skin Irritation, and Skin Sensitization Testing do not appear to be correct. ISO 10993-12: 2012, Table 1 recommends the use of surface area to determine the amount of device included in the extract, with weight being used only for devices or components where the surface area cannot be calculated. As this is a manufactured device, the surface area can be determined for the proposed device. We are concerned that use of weight instead of surface area may result in a false negative finding from the study (i.e., a negative finding may occur as a result of insufficient sample being present in the test system).
Section 16 – Software
依照 FDA 指引〈Guidance for the Content of Premarket Submissions for Software Contained in Medical Devices〉的 Table 1 以及 Table 2 決定軟體的「Level of Concern」,再依 Table 3 決定不同「Level of Concern」需要繳交的文件。
我們最近申請幾次 510(k) 或台灣查驗登記都有被要求加強網路安全。廠商須參考 FDA 指引〈Content of Premarket Submissions for Management of Cybersecurity in Medical Devices〉準備相關送審文件。若初次看英文版指引難以下嚥,可先看食藥署準備的〈適用於製造廠之醫療器材網路安全指引〉獲取一些初步了解。
Section 17 – Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical Safety
若是主動式醫材,須要評估電性安規和 EMC (包含 EMS (承受電磁干擾能力) 和 EMI (電磁干擾其它儀器的能力))。
通常這部分會找第三方實驗室幫忙,但第三方實驗室測試後就只會給一份報告,廠商可透過 FDA 指引〈Information to Support a Claim of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) of Electrically-Powered Medical Devices〉確認報告內容是否完整,並依此整理出 FDA 想要的摘要。
Section 18 – Performance Testing – Bench
用來驗證設計開發結果 (設計輸出,Design out) 是否和預期規格 (設計輸入,Design input) 一致的實驗,大多是放在此章節。
例如,預期規格要做到 IP22,等設計出來後,就要以實驗去證明確實有達到 IP22 的防塵防水等級,不能光嘴巴說「啊就有啊,怎麼可能連 IP22 都達不到!這種幹嘛還要用實驗驗證!」
很多這類實驗都是廠商自己執行的,所以 FDA 建議可以依照〈Recommended Content and Format of Non-Clinical Bench Performance Testing Information in Premarket Submissions〉寫報告內容。
FDA 在這段特別提到,若是 In vitro diagnostic device (IVD) 產品,請參考〈Refuse to Accept Policy for 510(k)s〉的相關章節。至於要做哪些實驗?實驗怎麼做?廠商除了靠自己經驗外,也可以看 Predicate 做了哪些實驗 (Google it,或到 Premarket Notifications (510(k)s) 查看 Predicate 的 510(k) summary),也可到 Search for FDA Guidance Documents 嘗試搜尋相關指引。
Section 19 – Performance Testing – Animal
FDA 建議動物實驗報告中要有以下的資訊:
- list the specific animal tests conducted;
- describe each test protocol,包含下面五點:
- objective of the test;
- test articles used in the test;
- test methods and procedures (including any specific test conditions);
- study endpoint, i.e., the specific parameter measured; and
- pre-defined acceptance or pass/fail criteria.
- summarize the results, and describe your analysis (FDA 建議以清楚、簡潔的方式呈現,例如,表格。)
- discuss your conclusions (建議在此部分將實驗結果和 Predicate 的實驗比較,並進行討論。)
若 Device-specific guidance 有特別要求,則以 Guidance 為準。
FDA 在這段也特別提到,若是 In vitro diagnostic device (IVD) 產品,請參考〈Refuse to Accept Policy for 510(k)s〉的相關章節。
Section 20 – Performance Testing – Clinical
臨床試驗的 Protocol 建議有以下內容:
- objective of the test;
- test methods and procedures (including any specific test conditions);
- study endpoints (usually both safety and effectiveness); and
- statistical methodology used
和 Section 19 – Performance Testing – Animal 的要求一樣,建議要分析、討論實驗結果,與 Predicate 比對,並做出結論。
- 有 ClinicalTrials.gov Data Bank 要求的符合證明書 (Certification of Compliance, CoC),廠商可至 FDA 官網 Forms 搜尋「Form 3674」來填寫。
- 遵循 Institutional review boards (IRB, 21 CFR Part 56) 和 Informed consent (21 CFR Part 50) 規定。
若是顯著風險 (Significant risk) 臨床試驗,要遵守 IDE (Investigational device exemptions) 規定 (21 CFR Part 812);若非顯著風險的臨床試驗,則只要遵守 IDE 規定的 21 CFR Part 812.2(b) Abbreviated requirements 即可。
可參考 FDA 指引〈Significant Risk and Nonsignificant Risk Medical Device Studies〉。若在美國以外的地區進行臨床試驗,還須要另外遵守 21 CFR 812.28 規定,細節可參考指引〈Acceptance of Clinical Data to Support Medical Device Applications and Submissions: Frequently Asked Questions〉。
16 留言
想請問如果走special 510K,也要依照上述20項項目做編寫嗎?是否也是要附上相關品質文件,ex.BOP、Drawing等資料?
yhlin 晚安,
因此,若要準備 Special 510(k),最好還是參考它專門的指引《The Special 510(k) Program》,這份 Special 510(k) 專門指引的附錄 A 有提供「Recommended content of a Special 510(k)」。
雖然我沒認真看過《The Special 510(k) Program》,但猜想應該有部分的文件準備會與 Traditional 510(k)s 類似。因此,本文所筆記的指引應該也有很大的參考作用。
想請問Section 10 所提及的”完整的風險管理報告”的法源依據是甚麼呢?
因為在FDA的Content of a 510(k)未找到相關規定
因為過往送件時都會連同風險管理報告送出 (因為 IEC 60601-1 等報告中會索引到風險管理報告),所以寫到 Section 10 時,順手就把過去習慣寫進去了。
我也向一些前輩請教,得到的回饋 (經驗) 是:「510(k) 送件,原則上不含風險管理,實務上也沒送風險管理報告。但是,純軟體醫材(SaMD) 或含軟體的醫材,會被要求 Cybersecurity 或軟體確效,這時就會拿風險管理報告當證據。」
因為多送多問題,過去我連不含軟體的醫材 510(k) 都有送風險管理報告,還被挑出問題。
可能…我以後也來試試看不送風險管理報告,或只送 Cybersecurity、軟體確效相關的風險管理報告就好。
想請問510(k) Section 16
若醫療器材沒有軟體是否此章節可以用類似 Section 1 用N/A表達(目前我沒有看到法源,不適用如何說明?)感謝
嗨 Phoebe,
我想是可以用 N/A 表示的。
在〈Format for Traditional and Abbreviated 510(k)s〉中寫到:「If you believe a section does not apply, we recommend you include the section and state “This section does not apply” or “N/A” under that heading. For example, if your device does not contain any software, we recommend you state this in Section 16 titled “Software.”」
想請問若我們想比對的Predicate是呈現510k statement,要如何跟FDA申請呢?
Hi Betty,
在〈Content of a 510(k)〉中提到:
所以應該「任何人」都可以跟對方要求提供相關證明文件,但我沒試過,您或許可以寄信給 dice@fda.hhs.gov 問問看。
希望您之後可以跟我們分享您與提出 510(k) owner 交涉的經驗。
十分感謝 ^^”
Hi Best & Betty,
The 510(k) Statement is a certification (under 21 CFR 807.93) that the 510(k) holder will provide a duplicate of the 510(k) Premarket Notification submission, including any adverse information, but excluding all patient identifiers, and trade secret and confidential commercial information (as defined in 21 CFR 20.61) to any person within 30 days of a written request.
Noncompliance with the 510(k) Statement will be deemed a prohibited act under section 301(p) of the FD&C Act and FDA may choose to use its enforcement powers to obtain compliance.
If a manufacturer has not complied with the certification, you may notify the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) staff at 301-796-3900, for their assistance in obtaining the documents.
You may also wish to notify the FDA’s enforcement officers – the Reporting Allegations of Regulatory Misconduct webpage explains the process for submitting allegations to the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) and contains a form to simplify the submission process, or you may send an email to CDRHDeviceAllegations@fda.hhs.gov. If you have questions about submitting an allegation, you may contact the Allegations of Regulatory Misconduct Staff by phone at (240) 402-7675.
Please note that, in the case of the 510(k) Statement, per the Federal Register Notice, Volume 59, Number 239 (Wednesday, December 14, 1994), the 510(k) submitters may not charge requestors for compiling and disseminating the 510(k) safety and effectiveness information.
Hi Sir,
想請問關於510K對於傳統醫療器材或是比較成熟技術的醫療器材規範中,有提到是否能以比對的方式來說明材質安全性,並且省略Clinical Studies or Clinical Trail嗎?
True 你好,
我猜你是在問生物相容性(Biocompatibility)的問題吧。就我的經驗,要用類似品去證明自己的醫材材質沒問題,似乎有點難。相同材質,但因為製程不同,也可能會對人體有不同的影響。所以我通常會參考 FDA 指引《Use of International Standard ISO 10993-1, “Biological evaluation of medical devices – Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process”》,利用 ISO 10993 證明自己產品材質 OK。上面那份指引對一般醫材來說,最重要的可能是「Attachment A: Evaluation Endpoints for Consideration」,在第 44 頁,如果沒時間,可以直接看看那張表。
希望有回答到你的問題 ^^
請問醫療器材 加速老化與真實老化都必須要做嗎?
和美國一樣,我之前申請台灣第三等級 IVD 的經驗也是在送查驗登記時,只需要提交加速老化的證據,還不需要給真實老化的結果。
我想可能可以參考 FDA 古老指引「Shelf Life of Medical Devices」,裡面有提供一些觀點用來評估產品壽命、穩定性的風險。